minikube version minikube status minikube start # it will start the cluster. minikube status kubectl cluster-info kubectl get componentsstatus kubectl get nodes -o wide minikube help minikube ssh minikube dashboard # It will open minikube dashboard. minikube stop will shutdown the dashboard. minikube delete. pod-http.yml --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod-httpd labels: app: apache_webserver spec: containers: - name: cntr-httpd image: httpd:latest ports: - containerPort: 80 - name: nginx image: nginx ports:81 -------------------- kubectl apply -f configs/pod-httpd.yml kubectl get pods kubectl get pods -o wide curl http://ip minikube ssh curl http://ip kubectl exec pod-http -c cntr -httpd --ls -labels kubectl exec -it pod-httpd -c cntr-http --/bi...
vi /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local/inputs.conf [default] host = prod-admin-desi [monitor:///opt/nohup.out] index = desi sourcetype = desitype /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk restart